Human slaughter houses exposed in Syria


When the stories are finally told about what really happened in Syria during this civil war, I suspect Hitler will no longer be viewed as the most evil person ever born.

Walid Shoebat has been researching this for the past two weeks and tells me he’s never seen anything so horrific in his life. If you’ve ever been to his site and seen the atrocities he’s exposed, you should understand he doesn’t say this lightly.

What he’s found through first-hand testimony and actual video footage that he’s posted on his site are human slaughter houses in Syria used to exterminate Christians and Muslims. Yes, Muslims. They are run by Syrian rebel Takfiri Jihadists groups. One such group is called ISIS, which stands for the Islamic group of Iraq and Syria. Another group is called Umm Muhammad. These rebel groups were rounding up Christians and Muslims who disagreed with the Takfiri ideology, decapitating them from the root of their necks and hanging them upside down like cattle.

The Umm Muhammad slaughter house was run by the Free Syrian Army in its infancy but it was closed three years ago when the Syrian Police found it.

Walid has found evidence of three different slaughter houses in Syria, but there’s no telling how many more exist even today:

    We report this story because of the silence on the systematic killing of Christians, Shiite minorities and even Sunni Muslims in Syria who disagree with the Takfirist theology. The story is reminiscent to the initial reporting on the extermination of European Jewry and other minorities when little coverage was given to the truth in these days.

The world must hear about this in order to know the truth of what happened to these Christians and Muslims during the civil war in Syria. I strongly urge you to check out Walid’s article on this. As horrific as it is, this ugly truth must be exposed...The Right Scoop


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