Since the collapse of the EDL, a number of far-right groups have been
vying for the honour of leading Britain's racists into a battle that no
one else thinks they need to fight. One such group is Britain First, who
like to see themselves as the elite of the British far right – a kind
of SAS to the EDL's territorial army.
Their meme-heavy Facebook group makes it clear that Britain First believe they are Christian soldiers on a crusade. They don't bother with mass street protests, preferring instead to target their actions against people they consider to be the enemies of this country. So far, this has been limited to hassling the more extreme fringes of British Islam. They set up a "Christian Patrol" in response to Anjem Choudary's "Muslim Patrols", who walk around East London giving grief to drinkers, gay people, prostitutes and anyone who has the temerity to act like Britain isn't a country ruled by Sharia law. (We made a film about all of this; it's called London's Holy Turf War.)
This weekend, however, Britain First retrained their focus, as they made the bold decision to harass ordinary Muslims in Bradford and Scotland.

With their flat-caps, All Saints haircuts and matching windbreakers, Britain First look a bit like parking attendants at a steam fair or those people who try to sell you paintballing trips in the high street. But they're not; they're just an innocent far-right gang who want to be free to roam the streets in uniform.

According to Britain First's Facebook page, Saturday "saw the launch of Britain First's Yorkshire brigade with a day of action in heavily Muslim Bradford”. In Britain First’s own words, “Our newly formed units descended on around 10 giant mega mosques, madrassas and Islamic centres across the town to distribute British Army bibles and anti-grooming leaflets.”
There already is a Muslim-led anti-grooming initiative based in Bradford, but apparently this didn't convince Britain First leader Paul Golding to go hassle the BBC or some Catholics instead.

No doubt this guy was charmed to have his ablutions interrupted by a roving racist who'd come along to tell him that he's worshiping the wrong god.

But there was more... “Our brave activists also invaded the campaign HQ of Bradford Labour Party and spent a considerable amount of time giving the local councillors a dressing down for their inability to fight Muslim grooming gangs in their community."
If Britain First don't stand up to the wrath of local Labour Party councillors and their weekend lackeys, who will?

Also given a bloody good "dressing down" was this guy: a worker at a Subway that serves halal meat. I don't know for sure, but I suspect it's not the guy who works the Sunday shift who's in charge of sourcing those delicious meatballs.

“Finally,” Britain First is proud to declare. “After the Mayor of Bradford declined a meeting request, the assembled patriots visited his home address only to find he was too cowardly to come out and face us.”
Well, why wouldn’t the city’s serving Asian mayor want to spend his day off chin-wagging with a bunch of Islamophobes who put stuff like this on their Facebook page all the time?

Maybe they wanted to have a constructive dialogue about the radicalisation of some members of the Muslim community, maybe they wanted to clank him over the head with a mace. It's impossible to say.
So, all in all, it was a busy day's street-pounding for the uniformed activists, who ended their report from the frontline with the menacing promise that, “This is the first of many such operations that are due to be launched across Yorkshire against Islam."
"The Yorkshire brigade is finally here and has 'blooded' itself in the most heavily Muslim town in Yorkshire.”

On the one hand, Britain First's bizarrely over-the-top rhetoric and Beware! Cowboy Builders-style hectoring is kind of funny, but their Facebook page – and the hundreds of comments like the one above that are getting tons of "Likes" – are a bit worrying.
Whether Britain First keep their promise to make Yorkshire a Christian heartland remains to be seen – but it seems that they are determined to spend the summer bothering Muslims. So that's something for everyone to look forward to.
Their meme-heavy Facebook group makes it clear that Britain First believe they are Christian soldiers on a crusade. They don't bother with mass street protests, preferring instead to target their actions against people they consider to be the enemies of this country. So far, this has been limited to hassling the more extreme fringes of British Islam. They set up a "Christian Patrol" in response to Anjem Choudary's "Muslim Patrols", who walk around East London giving grief to drinkers, gay people, prostitutes and anyone who has the temerity to act like Britain isn't a country ruled by Sharia law. (We made a film about all of this; it's called London's Holy Turf War.)
This weekend, however, Britain First retrained their focus, as they made the bold decision to harass ordinary Muslims in Bradford and Scotland.
With their flat-caps, All Saints haircuts and matching windbreakers, Britain First look a bit like parking attendants at a steam fair or those people who try to sell you paintballing trips in the high street. But they're not; they're just an innocent far-right gang who want to be free to roam the streets in uniform.
According to Britain First's Facebook page, Saturday "saw the launch of Britain First's Yorkshire brigade with a day of action in heavily Muslim Bradford”. In Britain First’s own words, “Our newly formed units descended on around 10 giant mega mosques, madrassas and Islamic centres across the town to distribute British Army bibles and anti-grooming leaflets.”
There already is a Muslim-led anti-grooming initiative based in Bradford, but apparently this didn't convince Britain First leader Paul Golding to go hassle the BBC or some Catholics instead.
No doubt this guy was charmed to have his ablutions interrupted by a roving racist who'd come along to tell him that he's worshiping the wrong god.
But there was more... “Our brave activists also invaded the campaign HQ of Bradford Labour Party and spent a considerable amount of time giving the local councillors a dressing down for their inability to fight Muslim grooming gangs in their community."
If Britain First don't stand up to the wrath of local Labour Party councillors and their weekend lackeys, who will?
Also given a bloody good "dressing down" was this guy: a worker at a Subway that serves halal meat. I don't know for sure, but I suspect it's not the guy who works the Sunday shift who's in charge of sourcing those delicious meatballs.
“Finally,” Britain First is proud to declare. “After the Mayor of Bradford declined a meeting request, the assembled patriots visited his home address only to find he was too cowardly to come out and face us.”
Well, why wouldn’t the city’s serving Asian mayor want to spend his day off chin-wagging with a bunch of Islamophobes who put stuff like this on their Facebook page all the time?
Maybe they wanted to have a constructive dialogue about the radicalisation of some members of the Muslim community, maybe they wanted to clank him over the head with a mace. It's impossible to say.
So, all in all, it was a busy day's street-pounding for the uniformed activists, who ended their report from the frontline with the menacing promise that, “This is the first of many such operations that are due to be launched across Yorkshire against Islam."
"The Yorkshire brigade is finally here and has 'blooded' itself in the most heavily Muslim town in Yorkshire.”
On the one hand, Britain First's bizarrely over-the-top rhetoric and Beware! Cowboy Builders-style hectoring is kind of funny, but their Facebook page – and the hundreds of comments like the one above that are getting tons of "Likes" – are a bit worrying.
Whether Britain First keep their promise to make Yorkshire a Christian heartland remains to be seen – but it seems that they are determined to spend the summer bothering Muslims. So that's something for everyone to look forward to.
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