Anti-Bullying Film Gets Shorter Every Time You Share It

To make a point about bullying, Singapore's Coalition Against Bullying for Children and Youth has launched a video that gets shorter every time you share it.

The black-and-white animated film shows a boy who is being bullied at school. "I don't feel safe anywhere," he states plaintively. "I feel all alone."

The video, which originally runs at just under two minutes, is designed to be shared on Facebook. After you share it, the next person sees a version that runs one millisecond shorter, according to Creativity Online. That process continues each time the video is shared on Facebook (it's not embeddable).

Eventually, the film will whittle down to a single frame, which can also be shared. The idea is that by making others aware of bullying, you wipe it out. Hence the name of the campaign, "Share it to end it." At the time of writing, the video had been shared just more than 4,700 times, according to campaign's website.


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