No To The Constitution and Gays Yes to Sharia Law: The Word From a Southern California Sheik

Sheik Khalid Yasin, a Muslim preacher based in Manchester England, has made some quite extreme public statements stemming from his interpretation of Islam. The sort of comments that lead people to ask whether he is creating an environment which encourages young people to join radical organizations such as ISIS. Speaking to Vocativ at a recent event at a mosque in a Los Angeles suburb, the sheik denied any support for radical Islamic groups. Listen to him here for yourself.

Khalid Yasin was born in Harlem and converted from Christianity to Islam as a young man. Known as a the "media bedouin," Yasin travels the world preaching his brand of Islam. He uploads many of his sermons to youtube, expanding his reach to all corners of the globe. Last year he gained media attention when Michael Adebowale, one of the men accused of killing British soldier Lee Rigby in London, credited Yasin as the man who inspired his conversion to Islam.


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