Napalm Death: Apex Predator - Easy Meat

It’s difficult to review a new release from Napalm Death in the same way that it’s hard to review a new release from Motorhead, Slayer or AC/DC. While they may try a few new things out here and there, you know what you’re going to get going on, and you have a pretty good idea of whether you’re going to like it or not. Apex Predator - Easy Meat, the latest release from the British grindcore pioneers, is no exception. While adding a few new flavors to keep things interesting, after three decades of melting faces, Napalm Death know what the people want and they deliver.

One of the albums sonic experiments comes in the form of the album-opening title track. After an awesomely cheesy spoken word intro, it devolves into a bleak mess of electronic noise punctuated by Barney Greenway’s trademark bellows. It’s closer to Swans than Cannibal Corpse and it’s an interesting if unconventional way to kick things off. “Smash a Single Digit” follows it up in more traditional Napalm Death style, but there’s a few melodic death metal licks in the second half that seem to channel At The Gates.


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